Article I: Name of the Association

The name of this Association shall be the “109th Infantry Regiment Association”, a state nonprofit corporation (15pa. $3 7316) and federal tax exempt IRC 501(c)(19) nonprofit organization hereinafter referred to as the “Association.”


Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this Association shall be: to organize the veterans of the 109th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army, in order to foster, encourage and perpetuate the memory of the officers and men who distinguished themselves by their services and sacrifices while with the 109th Infantry Regiment; to promote and cultivate social intercourse and fellowship among their descendents; to perpetuate the memory of the achievements of the 109th Infantry Regiment and its members; to aid, comfort and support the current active members and their families of the 109th Infantry Regiment: to promote the National Defense, American patriotism and American citizenship; to encourage historical research in relation to Wars; to acquire and preserve the records of the services of the members of the 109th Infantry Regiment as well as documents and relics; to mark the scenes of the activities of the 109th Infantry Regiment with appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries for the events of our Country’s Wars and conflicts; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institution of American freedom; and at all times to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Attest: (Effective Date: 07 March 2012)


Article III: Membership

Membership is open to all persons who now serve with, or previously served with, the 109th Infantry Regiment, United States Army; provided they were honorably discharged therefrom.


Article IV: Dues

The membership dues of the Association shall be based on a fiscal year of January 1 to December 31. Each member shall pay dues as provided in the bylaws.


Article V: Government

The governing body of this Association shall be known as the Board of Directors (BOD), under the general management of the elected officers.


Article VI: Meetings

The Annual Business Meeting of this Association shall be held in conjunction with the Annual Reunion. Regular Meetings shall be held as defined in the Bylaws.


Article VII: Amendments

Amendments to this constitution must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and thereafter by an affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of Association members present and voting at the Annual Business Meeting. No Proxy votes will be accepted.